Configuration is in params.toml
colorAlertPrimary = "w3-purple"
colorAlertSecondary = "w3-aqua"
colorAlertSuccess = "w3-light-green"
colorAlertInfo = "w3-light-blue"
colorAlertWarning = "w3-yellow"
colorAlertDanger = "w3-red"
colorAlertDark = "w3-dark-grey"
colorAlertLight = "w3-grey"
{{< alert type="primary" intro="Primary Alert" >}}This is a primary alert—check it out! {{< /alert >}}
{{< alert type="secondary" intro="Secondary Alert" >}}This is a secondary alert—check it out! {{< /alert >}}
{{< alert type="success" intro="Success Alert" >}}This is a success alert—check it out! {{< /alert >}}
{{< alert type="info" intro="Info Alert" >}}This is a info alert—check it out! {{< /alert >}}
{{< alert type="warning" intro="Warning Alert" >}}This is a warning alert—check it out! {{< /alert >}}
{{< alert type="danger" intro="Danger Alert" >}}This is a danger alert—check it out! {{< /alert >}}
{{< alert type="dark" intro="Dark Alert" >}}This is a dark alert—check it out! {{< /alert >}}
{{< alert type="light" intro="Light Alert" >}}This is a light alert—check it out! {{< /alert >}}
Primary Alert This is a primary alert—check it out!
Secondary Alert This is a secondary alert—check it out!
Success Alert This is a success alert—check it out!
Info Alert This is a info alert—check it out!
Warning Alert This is a warning alert—check it out!
Danger Alert This is a danger alert—check it out!
Dark Alert This is a dark alert—check it out!
Light Alert This is a light alert—check it out!
Defined in:
/* for shortcodes w3-notice-icon and w3-alert-icon */
.shortcode-danger {
.shortcode-warning {
.shortcode-info {
.shortcode-exclamation {
{{% w3-notice-icon type="success" %}}
Well done
{{% /w3-notice-icon %}}
renders as
{{% w3-notice-icon type="success" heading="Well done" %}}
Well done
{{% /w3-notice-icon %}}
renders as
{{% w3-notice-icon %}}
A default disclaimer (=> info)
{{% /w3-notice-icon %}}
renders as
{{% w3-notice-icon heading="I'm a heading" %}}
A default disclaimer with header
{{% /w3-notice-icon %}}
renders as
{{% w3-notice-icon type="info" heading="Show Info" %}}
No need for type="info", since this is the default
{{% /w3-notice-icon %}}
renders as
{{% w3-notice-icon type="exclamation" heading="Show Info" %}}
Type="exclamation" - check it out
{{% /w3-notice-icon %}}
renders as
{{% w3-notice-icon type="warning" heading="Keep in mind" %}}
A warning disclaimer
{{% /w3-notice-icon %}}
renders as
{{% w3-notice-icon type="danger" %}}
A check disclaimer
{{% /w3-notice-icon %}}
renders as
{{% w3-notice-icon type="danger" heading="Careful" %}}
Watch out
{{% /w3-notice-icon %}}
renders as
Some examples:
{{% w3-button-icon %}}Hello world{{% /w3-button-icon %}}
{{% w3-button-icon icon="fab fa-google" href="" %}}take me to Google{{% /w3-button-icon %}}
{{% w3-button-icon "/blog" %}}take me to Blog{{% /w3-button-icon %}}
{{% w3-button-icon "/faq" "far fa-question-circle" %}}take me to FAQ{{% /w3-button-icon %}}
{{% w3-button-icon icon="fas fa-exclamation-triangle" classes="w3-button w3-circle w3-theme-d3" %}}Purge{{% /w3-button-icon %}}
renders to:
{{% w3-badge %}}42{{% /w3-badge %}}
{{% w3-badge "w3-green" %}}42{{% /w3-badge %}}
I'm a big one: 42
created with:
{{% w3-tag %}}42{{% /w3-tag %}}
{{% w3-tag "w3-blue w3-jumbo" %}}42{{% /w3-tag %}}
Some examples:
{{% w3-quote }}
*a fool with a tool is still a fool*
{{% /w3-quote %}}
{{% w3-quote source="Igor Stravinsky" layout="icon" %}}
**A good composer does not imitate; he steals.**
{{% /w3-quote %}}
{{% w3-quote source="Albert Einstein" layout="icon-br" %}}
*Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving*
{{% /w3-quote %}}
using blockquote:
{{% w3-quote source="Albert Einstein" layout="blockquote" %}}
*The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination*
{{% /w3-quote %}}
{{% w3-quote source="Albert Einstein" layout="icon-br-blockquote" %}}
*The only source of knowledge is experience*
{{% /w3-quote %}}
{{% w3-quote source="Albert Einstein" layout="icon-blockquote" %}}
*Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.*
{{% /w3-quote %}}
The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination
Albert Einstein
The only source of knowledge is experienceAlbert Einstein
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.Albert Einstein
/* for shortcode w3-quote */
.shortcode-quote {
.shortcode-quote-source {
font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold;
... command: {{% w3-codespan %}}startup *all*{{% /w3-codespan %}} just try it...
... command: {{< w3-codespan >}}startup *all*{{< /w3-codespan >}} just try it...
This is a cool command: startup all just try it... This is a cool command: startup *all* just try it...
Defined in:
pre.w3-code, span.w3-codespan{
font-family:monospace,monospace; !important;
pre.w3-code, pre.chroma {
padding: 0 3px 0 3px;
border: 1px solid;
overflow: auto;
{{< w3-code >}}
genpasswd() {
local l=$1
[ "$l" == "" ] && l=16
tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c ${l} | xargs
genpasswd $1
{{< /w3-code >}}
renders as
genpasswd() { local l=$1 [ "$l" == "" ] && l=16 tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c ${l} | xargs } genpasswd $1
pre.w3-code, span.w3-codespan{
font-family:monospace,monospace; !important;
pre.w3-code, pre.chroma {
padding: 0 3px 0 3px;
border: 1px solid;
overflow: auto;
{{< icon "fas fa-home">}}
{{< icon "fas fa-home fa-2x" >}}
renders as
{{< icon name="fas fa-home" >}}
{{< icon name="fas fa-home" size="fa-2x" >}}
renders as
{{< csc >}}hugo -w -v server --themesDir ../../ --port 1414 --disableFastRender{{< /csc >}}
renders as
Here' a cool command:
hugo -w -v server --themesDir ../../ --port 1414 --disableFastRender
. But you may use this:
hugo -w server
. Have fun.
You may give a class name {{< csc k >}}cool code{{< /csc >}}.
renders as
You may give a class name
cool code
Background style for csc is in static/css/w3css-basic.css
code.chroma {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .4) ; /* used e.g. for csc* shortcodes */
| Class | Type |
| ------- | ------------------------ |
| err | Error |
| lntd | LineTableTD |
| lntable | LineTable |
| hl | LineHighlight |
| lnt | LineNumbersTable |
| ln | LineNumbers |
| k | Keyword |
| kc | KeywordConstant |
| kd | KeywordDeclaration |
| kn | KeywordNamespace |
| kp | KeywordPseudo |
| kr | KeywordReserved |
| kt | KeywordType |
| na | NameAttribute |
| nb | NameBuiltin |
| nc | NameClass |
| no | NameConstant |
| nd | NameDecorator |
| ni | NameEntity |
| ne | NameException |
| nf | NameFunction |
| nl | NameLabel |
| nn | NameNamespace |
| nt | NameTag |
| nv | NameVariable |
| s | LiteralString |
| sa | LiteralStringAffix |
| sb | LiteralStringBacktick |
| sc | LiteralStringChar |
| dl | LiteralStringDelimiter |
| sd | LiteralStringDoc |
| s2 | LiteralStringDouble |
| se | LiteralStringEscape |
| sh | LiteralStringHeredoc |
| si | LiteralStringInterpol |
| sx | LiteralStringOther |
| sr | LiteralStringRegex |
| s1 | LiteralStringSingle |
| ss | LiteralStringSymbol |
| m | LiteralNumber |
| mb | LiteralNumberBin |
| mf | LiteralNumberFloat |
| mh | LiteralNumberHex |
| mi | LiteralNumberInteger |
| il | LiteralNumberIntegerLong |
| mo | LiteralNumberOct |
| o | Operator |
| ow | OperatorWord |
| c | Comment |
| ch | CommentHashbang |
| cm | CommentMultiline |
| c1 | CommentSingle |
| cs | CommentSpecial |
| cp | CommentPreproc |
| cpf | CommentPreprocFile |
| gd | GenericDeleted |
| ge | GenericEmph |
| gr | GenericError |
| gh | GenericHeading |
| gi | GenericInserted |
| go | GenericOutput |
| gp | GenericPrompt |
| gs | GenericStrong |
| gu | GenericSubheading |
| gt | GenericTraceback |
| w | TextWhitespace |
{{< cscb s >}}
{{< /cscb >}}
renders as
{{< term-in >}}
date -d @1435225258
date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S
{{< /term-in >}}
renders as
date -d @1435225258 date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S
{{< term-out >}}
Don Jun 25 11:40:58 CEST 2015
{{< /term-out >}}
renders as
Don Jun 25 11:40:58 CEST 2015 20180710_172103
Color themes are defined in the shortcuts:
<pre class="terminal-in w3-theme-d5 notranslate">{{ .Inner }}</pre> <pre class="terminal-out w3-theme-l3 notranslate">{{ .Inner }}</pre>
Relevant CSS is in static/css/w3css-basic.css
pre.terminal-in {
border-radius: 6px;
border: 1px solid;
padding: 10px 6px 10px 6px;
overflow: auto;
line-height: 1.2;
pre.terminal-out {
border-radius: 6px;
padding: 10px 6px 10px 6px;
border: 1px solid;
overflow: auto;
line-height: 1.2;
{{< res-attach >}}Attachments
Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark |
path | 0 | "." | path to resource page | |
match | 1 | ** | glob | |
label | 2 | Attachments | label | piped into i18n |
icon | 3 | fas fa-paperclip | label icon |
{{< res-figure "." "img/*" />}} {{< res-figure "." "img/*" "Fit" "200x200" />}} {{< res-figure "." "img/*" "Fill" "200x200" />}} {{< res-figure path="." match="img/*" href="" />}}
Creative Commons CC0
Creative Commons CC0
Creative Commons CC0
Creative Commons CC0
- src: img/pixabay/*.jpg
license: Creative Commons CC0
caption: "%%I%%n%%B%%n%%O"
- src: img/pixabay/penguin-2104173_1920.jpg
attrby: Michael Frankenstein
imgcmd: Resize
imgopt: 400x
Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark |
path | 0 | "." | path to resource page | use . for current page |
match | 1 | * | images | in page resource |
cmd | 2 | Resize | command | Fill, Fit or Resize |
opt | 3 | 300x | options | command options |
cap | 4 | %%N | caption format | see below |
href | 5 | url when clicked |
Code | What |
%%n | newline |
%%f | .Name |
%%F | Filename |
%%B | Basename |
%%T | .Title |
%%N | .Title or Basename |
%%L | license |
%%O | origin |
%%A | attr |
%%I | image info |
{{< res-gallery-load-photoswipe >}}
{{< res-gallery match="teaserpics/*" >}}
renders as
Argument | Default | What | Remark |
path | resources/images | path to resource page | use . for current |
match | **/* | for .Match | |
imgCmd | Resize | ||
imgOpt | 800x | ||
thumbCmd | Fit | create thumb | |
thumbOpt | 120x120 | thumb size | |
capLng | %%F |
image caption | |
capSrt | %%N |
thumb caption | |
caption-position | center | none top center bottom (none => hide for thumbs) | |
caption-effect | appear | none fade appear slide (none => always visible) | |
hover-effect | zoom | none grow shrink slidedown slideup zoom | |
hover-transition | (empty or) none (none => hard transition) |
Front Matter Param | What | Remark |
Title | ||
attrBy | attribution names | |
attrLink | attribution link | |
caption | see below | |
captionLong | same as caption | caption for image |
captionShort | caption for thumb | |
imgCmd | ||
imgOpt | ||
license | ||
licenseAbrv | ||
licenseLink | ||
licenseLink | ||
origin | ||
originLink | ||
thumbCmd | ||
thumbOpt |
- src: "**/*"
license: Creative Commons CC0
licenseAbrv: CC0 1.0
caption: "%%N%%n%%A%%n%%L%%n%%O"
captionShort: "%%O%%n%%l"
Code | What |
%%n | newline |
%%f | .Name |
%%F | Filename |
%%B | Basename |
%%T | .Title |
%%N | .Title or Basename |
%%l | license (using licenseabrv) |
%%L | license |
%%O | origin |
%%A | attr |
%%I | image info |
{{< heg-load-photoswipe >}}
{{< heg-gallery dir="/images/teaserpics/" caption-effect="none" hover-effect="grow" />}}
renders as
Defined in:
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* hugo-easy-gallery */
.gallery figcaption,
.fancy-figure figcaption {
background: #000;
color: #FFF;
font-size: 85%;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
opacity: 0.9;
.gallery .box figure {
float: left;
margin: 1em 4px;
.gallery {
margin: 10px;
max-width: none;
.gallery .box {
float: left;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
padding-bottom: 100%;
@media only screen and (min-width : 365px) {
.gallery .box {
width: 50%;
padding-bottom: 50%;
@media only screen and (min-width : 480px) {
.gallery .box {
width: 33.3%;
padding-bottom: 33.3%;
@media only screen and (min-width : 760px) {
.gallery .box {
width: 25%;
padding-bottom: 25%;
@media only screen and (min-width : 1024px) {
.gallery .box {
width: 20%;
padding-bottom: 20%;
@media only screen and (min-width : 1280px) {
.gallery .box {
width: 16%;
padding-bottom: 16%;
caption="" title="" attr="" attrlink=""
{{< heg-load-photoswipe >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" thumb="-thumb" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="126px" caption="figure caption 1" title="bar 1" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" thumb="-thumb" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="160px" caption="figure caption 2" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" thumb="-thumb" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="171px" caption="figure caption 3" attr="(c) by bar 3" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" thumb="-thumb" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="135px" caption="figure caption 4" attr="(c) by bar 4" attrlink="" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" thumb="-thumb" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="145px" attr="(c) by bar 5" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" thumb="-thumb" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="135px" attr="(c) by bar 6" attrlink="" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" thumb="-thumb" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="160px" attrlink="" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" thumb="-thumb" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="135px" caption="figure caption 8" attrlink="" >}}
renders as
{{< heg-load-photoswipe >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="640px" caption="figure caption 1" title="bar 1" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="640px" caption="figure caption 2" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="640px" caption="figure caption 3" attr="(c) by bar 3" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="640px" caption="figure caption 4" attr="(c) by bar 4" attrlink="" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="640px" attr="(c) by bar 5" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="640px" attr="(c) by bar 6" attrlink="" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="640px" attrlink="" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="640px" caption="figure caption 8" attrlink="" >}}
{{< heg-figure link="/images/photocards/" caption-position="bottom" caption-effect="none" width="640px" caption="figure caption 9" title="bar 9" attr="(c) by bar 9" attrlink="" >}}
renders as
{{< i18n "termNotAvailable" >}}
{{< i18n "foobar" >}}
renders as
empty foobar
- id: termNotAvailable translation: "empty"
in i18n/en.yaml
We meet at {{< html-tag time >}}23:59{{< /html-tag >}}. Don't be late.
We meet at . Don't be late.
We meet at {{< html-tags sup time >}}23:59{{< /html-tags >}}. Don't be late.
We meet at . Don't be late.
We meet at {{< html-tag-classes time w3-xxxlarge w3-text-blue >}}23:59{{< /html-tag-classes >}}. Don't be late.
We meet at . Don't be late.
You can use the colorAlert*
values (see alert ) using:
We meet at {{< html-tag-classes time w3-xxxlarge colorDanger >}}23:59{{< /html-tag-classes >}}. Don't be late.
We meet at . Don't be late.
This works as well
{{% html-tag-classes div w3-container w3-card-4 w3-theme-d3 %}}
## Hello
{{% /html-tag-classes %}}
{{< classify "w3-blue" >}}
| foo | bar |
| --- | --- |
| 24 | 42 |
{{< /classify >}}
foo | bar |
24 | 42 |
{{< classify "w3-green" "span" >}}
**foo** bar
24 42
{{< /classify >}}
Press {{< kbd "Ctrl+Shift+A" "5" >}} or {{< kbd "CTRL" "ALT" "DEL" >}}
Press Ctrl+Shift+A 5 or CTRL ALT DEL
kbd {
font-size: 0.8em;
background-color: #fff;
padding: 0px 1px 0px 1px;;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
border-radius: 4px;
Argument | Default | What | Remark |
file | the file | starting in /static | |
language | python | optional: language | see list-of-chroma-highlighting-languages |
opt | linenos=table | optional: options for hugo highlight shortcut | see highlighting-in-code-fences) |
{{< highlightfile file="/static/src/" >}}
renders as
Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark |
file | 0 | . | a file (or dir) | . or ending in /. => directory |
md | 1 | markdownify | if "true" => process using markdownify | |
hll | 2 | md | highlight lang | see list-of-chroma-highlighting-languages |
{{< readfile "content/." >}}
renders as:
content/. -rw-rw-r-- 2018-08-25 141 Lrwxrwxrwx 2018-07-06 15 drwxrwxr-x 2023-03-05 blog drwxrwxr-x 2023-03-05 contact drwxrwxr-x 2023-03-04 faq drwxrwxr-x 2023-03-05 pages drwxrwxr-x 2018-06-26 resources drwxrwxr-x 2018-05-03 search
{{< readfile "pages/hugo-theme-w3css-basic/" "" "yaml" >}}
renders as:
weight: 15
title: "About this Theme"
date: "2017-11-22T07:42:26+01:00"
icon: "fas fa-info fa-fw"
{{< readfile file="pages/hugo-theme-w3css-basic/" hll="yaml" >}}
renders as:
weight: 15
title: "About this Theme"
date: "2017-11-22T07:42:26+01:00"
icon: "fas fa-info fa-fw"
{{< readfile file="pages/showcase/" hll="md" >}}
renders as:
title: "Hugo - Static Site Generator"
date: 2018-01-05T21:01:34+01:00
icon: "fab fa-youtube"
resImgTeaser: teaserpics/
description: "Giraffe Academy, Tutorial 23. *(Demo page without tags or categories)*"
{{< youtube 6U3emx29rKg >}}
*(here is no taxonomy bar since this page has no assigned tags or categories)*
list - just one or more links without newlines| Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark |
| -------- | ----------- | ------- | ---------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| search | 0 | | string to search |
| op | 1 | eq | eq | in | (Operator) |
| mod | 2 | | i | (Modifier) i:ignore case |
| ul | 3 | | | if not empty: create unordered list |
| type | 4 | regular | regular | all | regular:$.Site.RegularPages all:$.Site.Pages) |
| ofm | 5 | .Title | | (OutputFormat) .Kind .RelPermalink .Title |
An easy and short usage would be:
See more here: {{< liti "Vestibulum" >}}
See more here: Vestibulum
See more here: {{< liti "highlight" "in" >}}
See more here: Code highlighting Hugo - highlight 🎨
Here are more examples using eq operator
Shortcode | Result |
{{< liti search="Vestibulum" >}} | Vestibulum |
{{< liti search="Vestibulum" type="regular" op="eq" >}} | Vestibulum |
{{< liti search="VeSTIBULUM" type="regular" op="eq" mod="i" ul="1" >}} | |
{{< liti search="VeSTIBULUM" mod="i" ul="1" >}} | |
{{< liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ul="1" >}} | |
{{< liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".Title" ul="1" >}} | |
{{< liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".Kind .Title" ul="1" >}} | |
{{< liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".RelPermalink" >}} | / / |
Here are some examples using in operator
Shortcode | Result |
{{< liti op="in" search="theme" >}} | |
{{< liti op="in" search="theme" mod="i" ul="1" >}} | |
{{< liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" mod="i" ul="1" >}} | |
{{< liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" ofm=".Kind .Title" mod="i" ul="1" >}} | |
{{< liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" ofm=".RelPermalink" mod="i" ul="1" >}} |
With positional parameters:
See more here: {{< liti "Vestibulum" "in" >}}
See more here: Vestibulum convallis, lorem a tempus semper Vestibulum Vestibulum Convallis
See more here: {{< liti "Vestibulum" "in" "i" "ul" >}}
See more here:
See more here: {{< liti "Vestibulum" "in" "" "ul" >}}
See more here:
Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark |
tax | 0 | tags | taxonomy | |
term | 1 | * | taxonomyterm | |
ofm | 2 | .Title | (OutputFormat) .Kind .RelPermalink .Title |
See more here: {{< litt term="Go" >}}
See more here: Go
See more here: {{< litt "tags" "Go" >}}
See more here: Go
See more here: {{< litt "categories" "Golang" ".RelPermalink" >}}
ToDo: See more here: {{< litt "categories" "Golang" ".RelPermalink" >}}
Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark |
tax | 0 | tags | string to search | in the taxonomy |
term | 1 | * | string to search | in the taxonomy term |
title | 2 | * | string to search | in the title |
op | 3 | eq | en | in |
om | 4 | t | t,p | (OutputMode) taxonomyterm page |
ofm | 5 | .Title | (OutputFormat) .Kind .RelPermalink .Title |
Using positional parameters:
Shortcode | Result |
{{< litx "*" "Nullam" >}} | |
{{< litx "" "" "Null" "in" "p" >}} |
Using named parameters:
Shortcode | Result |
{{< litx tax="tags" term="go" op="in" >}} | |
{{< litx term="Nullam" >}} | |
{{< litx term="Nullam" om="p" >}} |
{{< litx term="Nullam" om="tp" >}} |
{{< litx term="web" >}} | |
{{< litx tax="categories" term="web" >}} | |
{{< litx tax="*" term="web" om="p" >}} |
{{< litx tax="*" term="web" om="pt" ofm=".RelPermalink" >}} |
HTML comment may be included in markdown via:
Via the hc
(Html Comment) shortcode HTML comments may be enabled or disabled in the output:
enableHC = true
Here's how to use it:
{{< hc "foo" >}}
Look in the html source. Here's a comment: seen?
{{< hc >}}
this works
as well
{{< /hc >}}
{{< hc "some test">}}
more 1
more 2
{{< /hc >}}